Hello, it's me Mukesh Kumar Chaudhary👋🏻

Hello there! I'm Mukesh Kumar Chaudhary, software engineer based in Nepal🇳🇵. I enjoy building software that solves real-world problems and helps people. I have a passion for learning new technologies and sharing my knowledge with others. I usually write about software development, productivity, and life. I am also a member of Nepal Open Source Klub .

I have experience in building web applications using Golang/Node.js/Python/Java and React/Vue/Svelte. I am currently working as a software engineer at wesionaryTEAM .

View Resume for more information about me.

Let's Connect

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out on social media or send me an email.

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Work Experience
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  • Aug2023 - Current
    Software Engineer
    • Wrote blogs on medium.
    • Developed geng which scaffold project, modules and infrastructure.
    • Developed meta_gin which generate CRUD api if you provide request and response DTO.
    • Use aws pinpoint to send SMS and SES for sending email.
    • Setup ginkgo for acceptance test and sql-mock for mocking database.
    • Design database schema of E-commerce application: Shikino Miyabi.
    • Integrate Komoju and Amazon Pay SDK for payment.
    • Developed SDK of amazon pay which supports the latest version.
    • Developed chat application Yomiuri a private chat application for customer support using:
      • golang, aws appsync, lambda function, dynamoDB, opensearch
    • Did performance testing for chat application.
    • Worked with aws CDK for cloud resource management.
  • Mar2022 - Aug2023
    Hamro Patro
    Software Engineer
    • Developed client application for client-side streaming of location using Golang.
    • Developed gRPC API for collecting news user information and used Apache Airflow and celery director for ETL.
    • Worked on writing a backup script using Python for taking backup of scylladb
    • Developed gRPC client using go lang for bus route project.
    • Worked on system design of hamrochat, and developed using Java [Micronaut, gRPC as server, Kafka, scylladb],
    • Worked on hamro chautari using Node Js [REST], Postgres[Prisma], and React,
    • Worked with technologies like Docker, Proxmox, and Kubernetes.
    • Installed Kubernetes distro [rke2] in datacenter [setup contour ingress, metalLB load balancer]
    • Worked on the setup of SSH bastion[jumper], internal networking in proxmox using a VM as a router,
    • Developed qr-proxy using Node JS [REST]
    • Developed REST API using Python [Flask] for AI model in berry counting.
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